Are there any Alternative Methods for Verifying App Links Without .well-known Directory on IIS?
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Are there any Alternative Methods for Verifying App Links Without .well-known Directory on IIS?

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When it comes to verifying app links, the .well-known directory on IIS (Internet Information Services) is the usual suspect. But, what if you don’t have access to this directory or it’s not an option for your project? Fear not, dear developer! In this article, we’ll explore alternative methods for verifying app links without relying on the .well-known directory on IIS.

What is the .well-known Directory?

The .well-known directory is a standardized directory on a web server that contains configuration files for various services, including app links. It’s used to verify the ownership of a domain and authenticate the app links. The directory contains a JSON file that specifies the app IDs, app URLs, and other metadata required for app link verification.

Why Might You Need an Alternative?

There are several reasons why you might need an alternative method for verifying app links:

  • **Limited access to IIS**: You might not have administrative access to the IIS server or the .well-known directory.
  • **Custom server configurations**: Your server setup might not allow for the creation of a .well-known directory or might have restrictions on file types.
  • **Non-IIS servers**: You might be using a different web server software, such as Apache or Nginx, that doesn’t support the .well-known directory.
  • **Security constraints**: You might need to implement additional security measures that prevent the use of the .well-known directory.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some alternative methods for verifying app links without relying on the .well-known directory on IIS:

1. Using a Custom Verification Endpoint

Create a custom verification endpoint on your server that returns a JSON response containing the app link metadata. This endpoint can be used to verify the app links instead of the .well-known directory.

  "relation": ["delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls"],
  "target": "android_app://",
  "apters": ["*"]

This JSON response contains the required app link metadata, including the relation, target, and patterns.

Create a custom service that handles app link verification requests. This service can be implemented using a web framework of your choice (e.g., ASP.NET, Node.js, Python).

Here’s an example of a simple app link verification service using ASP.NET Core:

public class AppLinkVerificationController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult VerifyAppLink(string appId, string appUrl)
        // Verify app ID and app URL
        if (VerifyAppIdAndUrl(appId, appUrl))
            return Ok(new { relation = "delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls", target = $"android_app://{appId}/{appUrl}" });
            return NotFound();

    private bool VerifyAppIdAndUrl(string appId, string appUrl)
        // Implement your app ID and app URL verification logic here
        return true; // or false

This service returns a JSON response containing the app link metadata, which can be used for verification.

3. Using an Existing OAuth 2.0 Server

If you have an existing OAuth 2.0 server, you can leverage its authentication and authorization mechanisms to verify app links.

Here’s an example of how you can use an OAuth 2.0 server to verify app links:{app_id}&redirect_uri={app_url}

This request returns an access token that can be used to verify the app link.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Alternative Methods

Each alternative method has its benefits and drawbacks. Here’s a brief overview:

Method Benefits Drawbacks
Custom Verification Endpoint Easy to implement, flexible Limited security, may not be scalable
Custom App Link Verification Service Scalable, secure, flexible More complex to implement, requires additional resources
Existing OAuth 2.0 Server Secure, scalable, leverages existing infrastructure Requires existing OAuth 2.0 server, may have additional complexity


In conclusion, while the .well-known directory on IIS is a convenient way to verify app links, it’s not the only option. By implementing alternative methods, such as custom verification endpoints, custom app link verification services, or leveraging existing OAuth 2.0 servers, you can ensure that your app links are verified and authenticated securely and efficiently.

Remember to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each alternative method and choose the one that best suits your project’s requirements.

Happy coding!

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Frequently Asked Question

Still stuck on verifying app links without the .well-known directory on IIS? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Can I use a custom directory instead of .well-known for app link verification?

Yes, you can! While .well-known is the standard directory for app link verification, you can configure IIS to use a custom directory. However, this will require modifications to your web.config file and might not be compatible with all platforms.

Is there an alternative method for verifying app links without involving the .well-known directory?

Yes, you can use the `assetlinks.json` file in the root of your domain to verify app links. This method eliminates the need for the .well-known directory and is a valid alternative for app link verification.

How do I implement the assetlinks.json method for app link verification?

To implement the assetlinks.json method, create a JSON file in the root of your domain (e.g., containing the necessary verification information. Then, update your IIS configuration to serve this file correctly.

Are there any security implications of using an alternative method for app link verification?

No, there are no significant security implications of using an alternative method for app link verification. Both the .well-known directory and assetlinks.json file methods are secure and valid ways to verify app links. However, it’s essential to ensure proper configuration and security measures are in place for your chosen method.

What are the benefits of using an alternative method for app link verification?

Using an alternative method for app link verification can offer more flexibility and customization options, especially for environments where the .well-known directory is not feasible. Additionally, it can provide a fallback solution in case of issues with the standard .well-known directory method.

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