Solving the “Command Not Found” Error: A Comprehensive Guide to Running `poetry shell` on MacOS with ZSH Shell
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Solving the “Command Not Found” Error: A Comprehensive Guide to Running `poetry shell` on MacOS with ZSH Shell

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “command not found” error when trying to run `poetry shell` on your MacOS with ZSH shell? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Poetry, ZSH, and MacOS to uncover the underlying causes of this error and provide you with a step-by-step guide to resolve it once and for all.

What is Poetry, and Why Do We Need It?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what Poetry is and why it’s essential for Python developers. Poetry is a package manager for Python that allows you to easily manage dependencies, create virtual environments, and build and publish packages. It’s a game-changer for Python development, making it easier to manage complex projects with multiple dependencies.

The Benefits of Using Poetry

  • Easy dependency management: Poetry makes it a breeze to install and manage dependencies for your Python projects.
  • Virtual environments: Poetry creates isolated virtual environments for your projects, ensuring that dependencies don’t conflict with other projects.
  • Build and publish packages: Poetry streamlines the process of building and publishing packages, making it easier to share your work with the world.

The ZSH Shell: A New Era for MacOS Users

ZSH (Z shell) is a Unix shell that’s gained popularity in recent years, especially among MacOS users. It’s known for its flexibility, customizability, and powerful features. If you’re using MacOS, chances are you’ve switched to ZSH as your default shell.

ZSH vs. Bash: What’s the Difference?

Feature ZSH Bash
Customizability Ideal for users who want extreme customizability and flexibility. More restrictive, with a steeper learning curve for advanced customization.
Autocompletion Offers advanced autocompletion features, including smart completion and command prediction. Basic autocompletion, with limited customization options.
Plugin Support Tons of plugins available, including Oh-My-Zsh, which offers a wide range of themes and plugins. Limited plugin support, with a focus on built-in features.

The “Command Not Found” Error: What’s Causing It?

So, why does running `poetry shell` on MacOS with ZSH shell result in the dreaded “command not found” error? There are a few reasons for this:

Reason 1: Poetry isn’t installed globally

If Poetry isn’t installed globally on your system, ZSH won’t be able to find the `poetry` command. This is because Poetry is installed in a virtual environment, which isn’t accessible by default.

Reason 2: ZSH shell configuration

ZSH has its own set of configuration files, which can sometimes interfere with the Poetry installation. If your ZSH configuration files aren’t set up correctly, it can lead to the “command not found” error.

Solving the “Command Not Found” Error: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve identified the possible causes, let’s get to the solution! Follow these steps to resolve the “command not found” error and get Poetry up and running on your MacOS with ZSH shell:

Step 1: Install Poetry Globally

pip install --user poetry

This command installs Poetry globally on your system, making it accessible to ZSH.

Step 2: Configure ZSH to Find Poetry

echo "export PATH=\$PATH:~/.local/bin" >> ~/.zshrc

This command adds the Poetry installation directory to your ZSH PATH, allowing ZSH to find the `poetry` command.

Step 3: Reload ZSH Configuration

source ~/.zshrc

This command reloads the ZSH configuration, applying the changes you made in Step 2.

Step 4: Verify Poetry Installation

poetry --version

This command should display the version of Poetry installed on your system. If you see an error, go back and re-check the previous steps.

Step 5: Run `poetry shell` Successfully!

poetry shell

Finally, you should be able to run `poetry shell` without encountering the “command not found” error. You’re now ready to start using Poetry for your Python projects!


In this article, we’ve covered the causes and solutions for the “command not found” error when running `poetry shell` on MacOS with ZSH shell. By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and start using Poetry for your Python development needs.

Remember, Poetry is a powerful tool that can simplify your Python development workflow. With ZSH shell, you can take advantage of its flexibility and customizability to create a tailored development environment.

Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you encounter any issues!

Word count: 1067

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on resolving the “command not found” error when running `poetry shell` on MacOS with ZSH shell!

Why does `poetry shell` give me a “command not found” error on MacOS with ZSH shell?

The error might occur because `poetry` isn’t installed or not properly configured on your system. Make sure you’ve installed Poetry using the official installation method, and that the Poetry bin directory is added to your system’s PATH environment variable.

How do I check if Poetry is installed and configured correctly?

Run `poetry –version` in your terminal to check if Poetry is installed and functioning correctly. If you don’t see a version number, you might need to reinstall Poetry or adjust your system’s PATH. You can also check the Poetry configuration by running `poetry config –list`.

What if I’ve installed Poetry using Homebrew or another package manager?

If you’ve installed Poetry using Homebrew or another package manager, ensure that the installation directory is added to your system’s PATH. You might need to restart your terminal or run `source $(brew –prefix)/etc/bash_completion` to update your shell configuration.

Do I need to configure ZSH shell specifically for Poetry?

No, Poetry should work out of the box with ZSH shell. However, if you’ve customized your ZSH configuration, it might affect Poetry’s behavior. Check your `~/.zshrc` file for any conflicting settings or aliases that could interfere with Poetry.

What if none of the above steps resolve the “command not found” error?

If you’ve tried all the above steps and still encounter issues, try reinstalling Poetry, checking the Poetry GitHub issues page for similar problems, or seeking help from the Poetry community or a Linux/MacOS expert.